Gabriel A. Martinez, M.D., P.A.
Pain Management
Patient Testimonials
"More than 22 years ago, I had an unsuccessful surgery to correct a tilt in my knee cap. This surgery took away my ability to run, walk up steps, and the ability to walk for an extended period of time without a brace or crutches. The other result of the surgery was RSD [reflex sympathetic dystrophy or complex regional pain syndrome]. I spent the next several years in and out of the hospital getting nerve blocks, often staying for a week or more in the hospital.
With the help of several orthopedic surgeons I had a series of surgeries to correct the damage to my knee, and to reduce the pain from the RSD. At this time the RSD had moved down through my foot. The surgeries to help reduce my pain included a sympathectomy, and 2 or 3 surgeries to cut my peripheral nerves around my knee. I also had frequent nerve blocks as well. These surgeries allowed me a little more mobility and reduced the pain just enough that I could tolerate a blanket on my leg and some light touch.
In February of 2012 I became a patient of Dr. Martinez for pain management, and in 2015 he asked if I would be willing to try a series of lidocaine injections into the incisions on and around my knee to reduce some of the pain. All of the injections were done in the hospital under anesthesia since it was extremely painful, after a series of 4 or 5 I noticed the sensitivity had lessened. Due to the success, he asked me in late 2015 early 2016 if I'd be willing to have a series of PRP injections to see if it would reduce the pain even more. After the first injection I noticed a difference almost right away, I could stand with less pain and found that walking was easier. After the third injection the pain had been reduced enough that I could walk up 3 steps for the first time in over 20 years. The fourth and final injection was done in late 2016, and it was done in the office with no sedative, while still very painful, I could at least tolerate it.
I still live with RSD every day and know I will for the rest of my life, but the PRP injections have reduced my pain by 40-50% and I'm even working on reducing my pain medication. I still have my bad days but they are far less than what they were before the injections."
-Anonymous Patient
"I am a 45-year-old man who had been extremely active all of my life. I played football, baseball and basketball all the way through college and stayed extremely active with sports after getting married, having children of my own and coaching their basketball and baseball teams. I was so into sports that I even became a certified referee and spent many of my weekends in a gym refereeing eight to ten basketball games a day.
Tuesday July 7th, 2009 I was sitting at a stop light and was hit from behind in a sever five car accident. The impact was so severe that the backend of my car was lifted off of the ground and rested on the hood of the car behind me while the frontend of my car was rammed under and SUV. After some time in the emergency room and treatment by several doctors [I] was finally admitted into Pain Management with Dr. Gabriel A. Martinez. After a short visit Dr. Martinez determined I was a good candidate for Radiofrequency Ablation. I took his advice into consideration and then went home and did my own research. From everything I found people who had received such treatment spoke of the drastic change in their lives.
After speaking with Dr. Martinez again we scheduled the Ablation. My wife drove me to the office and after approximately 30-45 minutes I was walking out of the front door and on my home.